Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The commemorative pre-firing edition

165. Having my boss "secretly" start interviewing candidates for a job-like-my-job 3 weeks ago. How do I know this? The suit. She wore the interview suit.
166. My boss having 3 interview candidates into the office yesterday.
167. My boss speaking to me only once yesterday: To ask me for the quiz we use for interviewing people who do my job.
168. Asking my super-control-freaky boss for input on a big project Friday before I got started. Then Monday while I was 10% done. And still no feedback. Tomorrow we have the Big Meeting about the content.
169. The fact that everybody at my company thinks my manager is a fucking angel and so bright and "on it," when in fact she's an insecure, threatened bitch who forces me to execute half-baked ideas without helping to resolve the problems they cause.
170. The fact that Mom had a very bad wreck with a truck and was knocked unconscious. Her Firebird was totaled. And she told me all this in email a week later.
171. The fact that I will likely be fired tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Night 22

162. Having the program manager call me out in front of the entire company because he doesn't want to accept the bug I think I've found in the software. Look, it's not my fault your fucking sw has to be full-screen to look almost okay.
163. Having a super-intelligent program manager pretend like he's an idiot who just doesn't get what I mean and yet, treat me like an even bigger idiot because he just doesn't get what I mean.
164. Bad job applicants. The unemployment rate is ridiculous. Yet I have so many resumes from quote-writers-quote or quote-editors-quote who can't even proof their own resumes or figure out where to put commas.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A tired night

161. I'm pissed that I spend so much time formatting and reformatting and re-reformatting the same crap.
162. I'm pissed that I worked until 10:30 last night because I had to spend 3.5 hours yesterday trying to figure out how to fix a numbering problem in HTML that it turns out couldn't be fixed.
163. I am very angry that my nephew, the self-righteous minister-in-training, is a blatantly antisemitic racist and hater of Catholics.
164. I am even angrier that my family gives this shithead a free pass to say anything he wants without a thought in his soft head for what it means.
165. I'm even ANGRIER that my mother, who is married to a Jew, tells me to basically shut up about this dumbass nephew's racism.
166. And PS today I sent her very expensive flowers for her birthday, and she is punishing me by not even acknowledging the present.
167. I have no real family.
168. I am born into a clan of two-faced morons.